Debat: "La crisi econòmica i les seves conseqüències en la perspectiva de l'ESM”

29 de maig de 2013

publicat per Redaccio

El proper dimecres 5 de juny tindrà lloc la taula de debat sobre “La crisi econòmica i les seves conseqüències en la perspectiva de la ESM” que desenvoluparan els professors Dr. Antoni Manresa i Lluís Franco i que serà moderada per l’economista i membre del CEES, Pere Guinjoan. L’organització és a càrrec del CEES i l’INEHCA conjuntament.

Amb motiu de l’acte es farà presentació i repartiment als assistents del número especial de la revista “Diàlegs” dedicat monogràficament a la Economia Social de Mercat i coeditat per la nostra entitat el CEES i la INEHCA (Institut d’Estudis Humanístics Coll i Alentorn).

Sou convidats  a assistir-hi!

Dia: dimecres 5 de juny.

Hora: a les 7 de la tarda.

Lloc: c/ Nàpols, 35 de Barcelona. *

* La fundació Inehca comparteix sala d’actes i seu social al mateix edifici que Unió Democràtica de Catalunya.

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I used to work for the company and they would have huge signs siyang CLOSING DOWN SALE!! and at the bottom in tiny letters it would say for refit . They would do this even if they were just giving the shop a lick of paint one weekend, and the sale would go on for months beforehand. Also, very few items would be reduced any more than usual during the sale . They stayed within the letter of the law though, as you would expect.

I’d like to add to this David Flatman/Bookworld/BW! debate by saynig that I agree with the above comments. It was just too risky to challenge David even in a wee way. Later on Rob was similar in his approach. We all saw what happened in large meetings to people who challenged or disagreed with the perceived wisdom. They were left isolated, red-faced and in the doghouse!

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