Dossier Premsa Economia Mundial – maig 2012

5 de setembre de 2012

publicat per Secretaria



1) “Asistimos al nacimiento de una nueva era”, Jeremy Rifkin. 4/5/12

2) Con lavadora y sin agua corriente, Fernando García. 6/5/12

3) Empresas españolas, américa latina y marco institucional, Eloi Serrano Robles. 6/5/12

4) Vivint, Pedro Nueno. 13/5/12

5) Eleccions i economia als EUA, Walter Laqueur. 13/5/12

6) Crisis (37): Grecia “all in”, Xavier Sala i Martín. 17/5/12

7) La cumbre del G-8 y España, Editorial. 21/5/12

8) La economía política islamista, Fawaz A. Gerges. 21/5/12

9) ¿El resistible ascenso de Asia?, Brahma Chellaney. 24/5/12

10) Invertir en estratégicos, en BRIC o en Civets, Mar Galtés. 27/5/12


1) “Cómo debería gastar el FMI sus 430.000 millones de dólares?, Guntram B. Wolff. 6/5/12

2) Desaprovechar nuestras mentes, Paul Krugman. 6/5/12

3) Fracaso y ficción del Estado de las autonomías, Santos Juliá. 6/5/12


1) El apocalipsis según el gurú, Susana Alcelay. 20/6/12


1) Los otros grandes amos del mundo, Martí Saball Pons. 23/5/12

Mireia del Pozo

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I will stand up and fight anyone who would take any, i say again, ANY of my rghtis or the rghtis of my fellow american citizens. When true patriots become labeled as enemies, you can bury my corpse right next to lady liberty’s. -Thorin

We must srengthen the tea party for our citttinusoonal rights! We must find and support candidates that will stand for our constitution!!! We must stand and fight for our rights just like our forefathers. Nothing worthwhile is given to us. We must decide, do we want to be free men and women or slaves?

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Bloomberg is the mayor of New York City and it is his job to run that city not to spreadhis anti gun pagdroanpa around the country. I am surprised that New Yorkers let him spend all that time with dealings outside his city when there is so much to do there.

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