«Seny», de Ramon Roig

2 de setembre de 2012

publicat per Redaccio


Les nostres intencions, a vegades, poden ser poc adequades. Aquestes accions poden venir guiades per  la dolenteria , la malícia, però sovint ho son per falta de seny .

Segurament com molts d’altres valors, el fet de ser assenyat, no es pot transmetre de cap mes manera, que des de la pràctica, a través de la família i l’escola i escoltant als qui aporten l’experiència de les seves vivències, intentant sempre agafar els aspectes positius, ja que son las qualitats que acaben fent a la persona .

Sembla que fins ara no hem tingut cap altre criteri que el de disposar, comprar i tenir, i a poder ser intentar despertar admiració o enveja, tot això ens a portat a patiments, disgustos i segurament en cap cas en trobar el punt d’equilibri que volem.

No es pot continuar creixent  orfes de models i de límits. No podem arronsar-nos dient que en els temps que corren les coses estan molt difícils i còmodament anar-nos desentenent de la responsabilitat de posar seny en les coses que es fan.

Paradoxalment ara es fa veure de que no importa el que pensin els altres, tothom vol ser lliure, diferent, però si us hi fixeu tots seguim un patro de  comportament semblant , que no vol dir el model que parlava abans, sinó, que vivim lligats per la por i per la pressió del que diran o del on podrem arribar .

Es possible que per el que hem dit fins ara, no sigui gens fàcil de trobar patrons assenyats, ja que la convivència generacional ha estat esquinçada per l’atomització de les llars, ja que abans  vivien dues o i tres generacions sota un mateix sostre , i això comportava una transmissió de models i patrons de convivència, que feien créixer en un cert equilibri, ja que es posaven en fricció criteris diversos i d’aquí en sortien uns models i uns límits .

Tot i que ara degut a les noves tecnologies la rapidesa i l ’immediatesa son el valors dominants, cal que apliquem el que hem deixat de fer: que ens parlem, ens escoltem, i que sobre tot siguem capaços de transmetre’ns, gaudir i aprendre de totes les coses bones del nostre entorn.

Ramon Roig

4 comentaris publicats

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Ostres Neus, quina re0bia, vaig ser a Liber el dia 3, perf2 no t’he llegit fins ara. T’hi hraiua buscat per a saludar-te.Molts records (ja he llegit UHDP, perf2 les valoracions m’agrada fer-les de cos present :))

Dear Jimmy,I’d like to notice you a few tthugohs. First of all that in the thirties Falange were supplied with machine guns coming from UK (I suppose not the state), another is that mobilisation recalls me when the people packed trucks to fight in Aragon front during the civil war, common people, singing, going cheerfully to fight the fascism There was 75 years from the Ebro battle, the human chain had another Ebro battle.Luckily the Congress has blamed the attack to Catalan house in Madrid, so we are in a different time, we are in EU, there is no revolution in Catalonia, there is not putsch, some the bullets marks in the congress were removed, terry is history in football Times are changing (except for Iker).Catalonia has the moral, historic and economic right to think in a better future, Spain at less will have a complete sports facilities in Madrid ( 8.300 million pounds). El catala emprenyat is letting way to el madrilenyo cabreado, time to time and we will see Madrid asking for independence of Spain.

I look happy in the first picture besuace I was drunk In all seriousness I wasn’t nearly as happy then as I am today. Not that I was particularly unhappy, I’m just in a far better place today. Some of that has to do with being healthier, some has to do with a better job situation, and some has to do with simply being more mature and having a different outlook on life in general.But one very important point I should make I don’t mean to imply at all that if you’re overweight, you shouldn’t be happy. Not in the slightest. The last thing I would ever do is try to dictate to anybody else what they should or should not do to make them happy.For *me* personally, I want to look and feel a certain way. And that means that I need to make certain sacrifices in what I eat/drink and/or in how much time I spend at the gym. My choice. For me.I make these posts for others who may want the same things, and who might see this as a source of motivation. And, of course, as a way to pat myself on the back for achieving certain goals and continuing to work towards others.But for those who don’t share those goals, go forth and eat, drink, and be merry. Hell yes. Life is far too short to be anything but happy

Hi there Jodi!!! Hope you are doing well and from the looks and sounds of this site you are doing very well ienedd!!! I keep thinking about calling you to catch up but then it never seems to be a good time! I promise I will do it soon though!!!So I want to order a hoop and am not sure what kind, wieght, size etc to get I can figure out the color and that’s about all Can you give me some suggestions?Talk to you soon for sure!Love ya!Dar

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